Thursday, May 10, 2012

Jungling: Cloth Armor

Cloth Armor was once the most common starting item for junglers. The damage incurred in the old jungle was far higher than what exists in the current game, warranting not only the need for additional armor but regeneration. Cloth Armor, along with five health potions, filled that need better than any other option. Today starting Cloth Armor almost always indicates an inexperienced player or a bad jungle champion.

Very few viable jungle champions require Cloth Armor to clear safely and securely. Even Mundo, whose abilities actively damage him, is fine starting Regrowth Pendant, Vampiric Scepter, or boots. Cloth Armor is only necessary when a champion lacks defense, sustain, and clear speed. Essentially, any jungler for whom Cloth Armor is a must does not have what takes to jungle.

Starting with Cloth Armor should only occur in a very limited number of circumstances, such as when you are new to jungling, when you plan on a very aggressive level 1 skirmish, or when there is a significant threat of direct counter-jungling. Otherwise you should never be taking so much damage in the jungle that you're forced to recall. Using Cloth Armor in other circumstances will set you behind due to the gold invested in potions, the often slower clear speed, and the incompatibility with junglers who need to rush Philosopher's Stone.

For the most part this was a history lesson, but I often see junglers using Cloth Armor when it's simply unnecessary. If you're uncertain regarding your ability to jungle safely you should practice rather than rely on a crutch. Hiding in the safety bubble of Cloth Armor will simply stunt your growth as a jungler.

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