Thursday, January 31, 2013

Jungling: NaJin Mokuza's 10 Commandments

Mokuza, the jungler for NaJin Shield, recently laid down 10 Commandments for jungling in solo queue. They are:
  1. Don't gank a lane that's completely lost.
  2. Don't gank a lane that doesn't buy a ward on his first back to base.
  3. Don't gank a lane that pushes but doesn't ward.
  4. Dump the midlaner that doesn't come to help leash.
  5. Always be prepared for the enemy jungler to come counter jungling.
  6. Help the lane that is already winning and help them ward their surroundings.
  7. Help out mid as much as possible, show your face even if you are just passing by.
  8. Before Level 6, gank top at least once.
  9. Communicate with your support player on where the enemy wards are.
  10. Even if you follow all these commandments, losing games are still lost.
These commandments are good rules of thumb, and cover most of the common mistakes junglers make.

I'd say the hardest commandment to follow is #1, especially when playing with friends. Most players who don't jungle typically don't understand how pointless it is to try and salvage a lane that is multiple kills and a crapton of creep score behind. It's like investing money in a burning bank, a complete waste. But it's that losing lane which will yell and complain about the lack of ganks and help despite the impossibility of turning the lane around.

The only commandment I'd add would be, "Don't counter-jungle without an escape plan." I very frequently encounter junglers who counter-jungle without either tracking the location of the enemy jungler and other opponents, or thinking about what they'll do if they run into trouble. If the answer to "What happens if I run into an opponent?" is "Die." then you shouldn't be sticking your neck out.

If you're new to jungling, print out those commandments and pin them next to your monitor. They'll serve you well while you learn the role.

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