Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Thought: On Quinn

It's too early to have any hard opinions on Quinn, but I have a few observations.

Quinn seems to have a few issues in a duo lane. Her very short range makes her vulnerable to longer ranged champions, and more susceptible to being crowd controlled. This also weakens a lot of her abilities considerably. With greater restrictions on her positioning it's hard to land her Blinding Assault or follow up on her passive, and using her Vault offensively is dangerous as it removes her primary escape mechanism. She's not completely worthless, but she feels weak in that position.

However, Quinn appears to excel in a solo lane. Her ability to roam with her ultimate is extremely significant. One on one it's much easier to force an opponent into a position where her Blinding Assault harass is deadly, and to follow up on her passive. Her Heightened Senses is also an excellent tool for a champion who can only ward one ganking path. There are very few ranged carry champions who can exert map pressure like she can.

I worry that her short range will be a liability against many mid champions, but I won't know how much of a factor that will be until I have further opportunities to try her out. In the meantime, remember that you can interrupt Vault's backward jump with Flash, and that Vault will chase flashing/dashing targets ala Maokai.

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