Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Patch Day: Draven

The Darius patch is finally live. There's not a lot here for junglers, but there are a few points of note.

The nerf to Jax' empower only barely affects his jungling. It's his ultimate, passive, and items that really drive him past level 6. That said, a nerf's a nerf and this will impact how quickly Jax can kill Dragon.

Nautilus' W has had its damage nerfed at later ranks. This change will slightly slow down his later jungling, but not by enough for most players to notice. Nautilus will still be a top tier jungler without question.

Nocturne's passive has been adjusted in an attempt to hit his early sustain. The 5 health will add up fairly quickly on his first clear, but ultimately this punishes people who can't tailor their rune pages more than it nerfs Nocturne.

Shen's Ki Strike nerf will slow his jungling, not that he's a common jungler. There aren't any adjustments to be made for this, it's just a nerf to Shen.

Overall the patch lacks any sweeping changes, save for the introduction of Draven. While he can jungle it's not all that great. He's almost certainly an AD bot or top lane champion given how well he scales with farm and levels. Draven is ban worthy if only because the majority of players are going to try him and find out they can't catch axes to save their lives, but the mechanically strong players who can will utterly crush people.

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