Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Prognostication: Junglers

Everyone loves predicting which champions will be overpowered in the future, including me. In the wake of MLG I'd like to predict which junglers will soon become popular/overpowered, and why.

Amumu: He brings incredible CC and damage scaling for a jungler, and isn't as mana-dependent as people assume. His clear speeds are also phenomenal. When Nautilus is inevitably nerfed Amumu is going to be the next big tanky jungler.

Hecarim: Junglers who can both clear fast and gank well dominated MLG. Hecarim fits the bill, and brings incredible teamfighting to the table as well. Once people stop derping his skill order/item build he'll be a force to be reckoned with.

Those are the two junglers I believe we'll see dominate the scene in the future, but there are others I think are good but not that good.

Kayle: While her ultimate is always super good and her worst case scenario is she becomes a half-decent support, Kayle shines when she can have lane farm (e.g. top). She's not a bad jungle pick, but situational enough that she won't become popular.

Shen: The ability to instantly gank or counter-gank any lane is strong, but Shen is still inhibited by his slow clear times. He, like Kayle, is a good but situational pick.

Finally, one jungler who will become insane if Riot makes the mistake of overbuffing her.

Sejuani: Unlike Nautilus her CC is largely soft in nature, and she's significantly more mana-dependent. However, a few ill-conceived tweaks could easily make her and her built-in red buff super strong.

The time limit is three months, at which point we'll see how well I did (though there may be updates in the meantime). I'll gauge my success based on forum discussions, pro opinions, and tournament matches. This is the true test of a would-be analyst, one's ability to predict the future and then hem and haw when it doesn't work out the way you thought it would.

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