Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Theory: Sustain Champions (Preface)

There's a lot to cover on the subject of sustain champions. More than a third of all champions have an ability or passive which gives them sustain. The sheer number and variety of sustain abilities, combined with how they interact with their specific champions, makes tackling this subject a monstrous undertaking.

Champions also feature a different sustain type not seen on runes or items, healing. Most healing abilities are on-demand, making them much more flexible than other forms of sustain. Combined with AP ratios and CDR, healing abilities can scale powerfully into the late game. Healing can also often useable on allies, something no other form of sustain can do. Healing is one of the final pieces of the sustain puzzle, and I'll discuss it further as we examine more closely the nature of sustain on champions.

Despite my insistence that sustain is a critical asset for any champion, the astute will have realized from some of my earlier statements that the majority of champions have none. Many of the champions with sustain only have it in small amounts or must wait for their ultimates. Strong sustain is actually fairly rare on champions, and even champions who possess it typically have to sacrifice damage or other utility to level it. While good sustain is a significant boon to a champion, it is neither sufficient nor necessary for a champion to be viable.

It is the ability to capitalize on sustain which sets champions apart. The champions best known for their sustain are those who can convert their sustain advantage into a greater advantage for their team. Laning champions either use sustain to go on the offensive, whittling down their opponent in successive trades before going for the kill, or to play defensively, holding out until their champion's superior late-game carries their team. It's similar for junglers, gankers want to maintain high health so they can gank anywhere, anytime without a second thought, while farmers need sustain to be safe within their own jungle. Without specialties, strengths, and opportunities to apply them, sustain is little more than a convenience.

There are so many champions to cover that forcing them all into one post wouldn't give them the attention they deserve. As such I'll be splitting it up into three or four additional posts, sorted alphabetically. Apologies to Yorick fans, but you won't get my thoughts on him for a number of days.

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