So much for a patch on Tuesday! Fears and worries of another disaster weekend patch aside, there are numerous interesting changes as the one hundredth champion makes his debut.
Akali's changes honestly aren't a big deal. Crescent Slash will be slightly less horrible to use in team fights, but its major flaws still remain. That it can proc Mark is nice, and can see potential use in avoiding creep aggro while laning, but ultimately I don't think Akali will be significantly stronger as a result.
Caitlyn is likely to see a resurgence with her changes. They may not look like much, but they're huge quality of life improvements. The crisper net mechanics alone would be noteworthy, but combined with a faster firing, longer range ultimate Caitlyn is going to feel a lot more responsive.
Gragas' additional armor will make him a safer jungler, not that anyone jungles him these days. More notable are the Body Slam changes, a flat mana cost and huge rank 1 speed increase are huge buffs to the mobility of Gragas at both low and high ranks. Gragas has long been ignored and undervalued, so expect to see him as a new flavor of the month.
Nautilus received a number of nerfs, but I don't believe they'll have much effect on his jungling. Q was being leveled last as it was, and the cooldown change doesn't alter how strong a hooking mechanism is for ganks. Increasing the cooldown on his ultimate similarly does little to change the strength of a gank when his ultimate is up. While there will be 20 seconds of additional reprieve, Nautilus will still be an incredibly strong jungler.
Nunu's changes are much talked about, but ultimately all the fervor over counter-jungling is nothing but hype. Nunu was already perfectly capable of stealing important creeps before, the problem was always that dedicated counter-jungling is a team effort more than a solo endeavor. What is different is Nunu's potential objective control. With Consume now doing full damage to Dragon and Baron his ability to steal or ensure kills on objectives is unparalleled. That's what junglers and teams will be keeping an eye on, the other changes are just to smooth out Nunu's jungling in general.
Those are the big changes that stood out to me. Obviously there was a lot more to the patch, especially if you play Orianna or Lux a lot, but these were the changes I found most notable (and most within my area of experience).
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