Thursday, October 11, 2012

Season 2 World Championships: Day 3

Day 3 was a fiasco.

There's not much else to say about Day 3 because really, not a whole lot happened. The most eventful part of the night involved a game where over 80 wards were killed by CLG.EU alone, but that game didn't even end before the nightmare of internet outages, stream crashes, and game restarts returned. The most interesting part of Day 3 was the near-simultaneous birth of tens of thousands of network/live event experts who summarily criticized Riot for having no idea what they were doing.

Exactly what went wrong is, at this point, lost in an unnavigable sea of speculation. The vague nature of our knowledge hasn't stopped people from acting as if they know what Riot could have done. While the vast majority of criticism has been fairly worthless, there is at least one obvious issue that Riot can and should have addressed prior to Day 3's events.

First and foremost, League of Legends should have had a way to resume failed games in tournaments. The inability to resume games from a minute or so prior to crash caused several restarts, which unfortunately also crashed before they could complete. At the very least the WE vs CLG.EU series could have come to a close that night, even if the issues and time spent would have still prevented the semi-finals from continuing.

DotA 2 has this functionality, and without it the International 2, the recent high-profile Dota 2 tournament, would have had multiple disasters on par with Day 3's mess. Several games crashed, but were resumed from a point in time shortly before the crash, allowing players to pick up from where they left off without disadvantage. As such, most barely remember the issues and think fondly of the tournament. If LoL had similar functionality the reflections on that night would have likely been very different.

Thankfully it appears Riot's new venue will not experience the same problems, but that's a subject for tomorrow.

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