Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Challenge: Garen

At some point you might have seen this amazing Garen video. Through a little luck, a modicum of skill, and a lot of bravery he goes legendary with only a Doran's Blade. It's highly amusing, but it also can teach us a few things about League of Legends.

Thinking about how and why things work the way they do is how great players stay on top of meta changes and adapt to new strategies and champions. Whenever you see something amazing like that Garen video, pause (sometime after you've stopped laughing) and analyze why it worked. Your analysis may not be spot on, but as always practice leads to improvement.

If you think you understand what it is about Garen that enabled him to perform so phenomenally with just a Doran's Blade, try it out for yourself in a Coop Vs AI match. You don't have to end with just a Doran's Blade if you don't want to, but see how far you can go without giving in and arming yourself to the teeth. Test your theory, and then examine it again when you have some experience.

I did this myself last night, and had an absolute blast. My setup is spoilered below, but I encourage you to try it yourself before opening the spoiler. You can always compare and analyze what I did later, after you've already exercised your brain coming up with and trying out your own solution.

Setup :

Skill Order: EQW, R>E>Q>W
Masteries: 24/6/0
Runes: AD Quints, APen Marks, Armor Seals, MR Glyphs 

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