Thursday, April 12, 2012

Practice: Last-Hitting

Last-hitting is the most basic and important skill a player can have in League of Legends. Thankfully it's also one of the easiest to practice. Here's one exercise you can use.

  • Create a custom game without bots.
  • Pick a champion to practice.
  • Grab your starting item and take the mid lane.
  • Last hit for 9 creep waves (the final wave will be a cannon minion wave arriving around 6 minutes).
  • Compare your score to the maximum possible (57).
The goal is to improve your ability to last hit, and like any practice method the more you put into it the more you get out of it. Auto-attacking and using skills to quickly clear the wave undermines the exercise. You may improve your score through shortcuts, but the score is a tool and not the goal.

Last-hitting without an opponent to harass you may seem pointless, but it is actually very important. If you can't last-hit without an opponent, how are you ever going to last-hit with one? By practicing mechanics in a controlled environment you commit them to instinct and muscle memory. What you practice will manifest itself when you play in a real game.

Practice just a little bit every day, it only takes a few minutes. If you stick with it you'll soon notice the difference it makes.

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