Friday, April 13, 2012

Guide: Advanced Leashing

Late last night I uploaded a guide to advanced leashing, and I thought I'd add a few additional comments here.

Advanced leashing is not something particularly new. You can find videos of it, including one by Dyrus, that are three or four months old. Despite this you will vary rarely see anyone employ this technique in an actual game.

Normally we might chalk this up to the natural propagation time of ideas, but in this case I think that's too simple. Advanced leashing is rare because it requires effort to learn, and has a potential personal cost. The risk of losing CS and exp, even though it is low, makes the time and effort needed to learn the skill unpalatable, particularly in solo queue where you may not know and trust your jungler.

It's a shame as so many junglers benefit immensely from an advanced leash. Blue buff contributes a huge chunk of the damage a jungler takes on their first clear, as much as three or four hundred damage. For junglers with little or no innate sustain such as Jarvan, Shyvana, or Mundo removing that damage entirely is incredible.

While you may not need to employ it for every jungler, advanced leashing is an extremely potent skill and well worth learning. The huge benefits you give to your jungler far outweigh the single creep you might, on occasion, miss.

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