Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Update: Dr. Mundo or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Queue

Preseason 3 has begun, Elos have been reset, rewards have been issued, and placement matches are underway. Now is the perfect time to overcome a longstanding problem that's been hindering me for some time, fear.

In both of the previous seasons I experienced a severe mental block when it came to playing solo queue. Having spent so much time poring over the intellectual side of the game, theorycrafting and testing mechanics, min/maxing junglers, and analyzing plays and team compositions, I became irrationally fearful that any failing on my part could be construed as a referendum on these important practices. In my own strange, twisted way I have an ego about my Elo, and that needs to go if I am to actually improve at the game.

I have a fairly straightforward plan for rehabilitation, queue and play without regard for Elo. It takes approximately a month for habits to be established, so hopefully by 2013 queuing will be thoroughly engrained in my habits.

If you also have problems queuing I highly recommend taking advantage of this particular moment in time. Due to Elo resets and distance from any sort of reckoning the pre/early season has the least pressure of any time period. If you wait, as I did in past seasons, for the pressure to mount the problem will only be exacerbated.

For now I'm learning to stop worrying and love to queue. More than that, I'm not focused on winning as much as I am learning. This means avoiding comfortable champions and roles, trying new things, having concrete goals and the like. I'll be streaming my misadventures when I can, complete with my new webcam. If you've ever wanted to make fun of me for silly mannerisms and idiosyncrasies, there's never been a better time.

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