Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Jungler: Diana

Having had the opportunity to jungle Diana I can declare, with the confidence and certainty of experience, that there is absolutely no reason to jungle Akali unless Diana is banned. As junglers, and arguably as champions, Diana is in every way superior to Akali.

Diana's superiority is not rooted in the ease of her jungling, but that is a notable attribute nonetheless. Starting with W at level 1 and maxing Q first, Diana clears quickly while taking little meaningful damage. After her first clear she practically auto-pilots through the jungle. She becomes so fast she could easily be played Udyr/Shyvana style, but that would be a waste of her considerable talents.

What makes Diana so much better than Akali is superior damage. Diana, without items, does more damage with her passive and W than Akali does with her passive and E (which is often unusable in teamfights and chases). On top of that Diana's Q and R are roughly equivalent in damage to Akali's. Diana simply does more damage with fewer items.

Essentially, Diana can afford to ride her high base damage into the mid-game and primarily build defensive items. For a champion based around jumping into the thick of things and going toe to toe with the enemy team's primary damage dealers, this is an incredibly important trait. You might try the same on Akali, but to significantly less effect.

Overall Diana is a very strong jungler. Possibly the strongest that's ever been released. I'm fairly certain she'll be nerfed significantly in the near future, at which point Akali may obtain a competitive edge. For now, Diana is simply the best at what she does without contest.

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