Friday, August 24, 2012

Prognostication: Recap

It's been three months since I made my predictions regarding junglers, so it's time to see how well I did. The answer, not so well.

Amumu: While he did become much more popular, it was nowhere near to the extent of the now permanently banned Alistar and Malphite. If they weren't banned, he might not have become popular at all.

Hecarim: My prediction was completely off. While the community now recognizes Hecarim as a good jungler, Skarner has reentered the scene with a vengeance. Skarner is in the top 25 most played champions, while Hecarim barely makes the top 80.

Shen and Kayle: While I'm technically correct that they didn't become dominant forces in the jungle, it's a heck of lot easier to predict what won't become popular than what will. I award myself no points for these.

Sejuani: Riot hasn't given her any buffs my prediction here was fairly meaningless. She has seen a slight uptick in use, but nothing else. I maintain that if she's buffed she'll easily become a top pick.

In the end, my predictions were mostly failures. I will probably take another stab at it in the near future, but not until after I've nursed my poor ego's bruises and wounds.

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