Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Patch Day: Rengar/Mid August

It's patch day once again, and that means analysis. Unfortunately there's not whole lot to analyze this time around.

Rengar will be coming out later after Riot finishes balancing him on the PBE. He's got the chops to be a great jungler or top lane, but we'll see how he does in his final incarnation.

Garen received huge changes in an attempt to make him a competitive top lane. These changes are something of a wash for the comical Doran's Blade Garen build, but considerably increase Garen's strength later in the game if you aren't being silly. Because his passive is broken by jungle creeps he still isn't a viable jungler.

The Katarina remake is highly controversial as it appears to shift her playstyle from that of a burst assassin to more of an AP bruiser style. Due to all the changes Katarina can jungle, but she's very Shyvana-esque in that her first clear has sustain issues and she doesn't bring any crowd control to the table. Except to see her shift from mid to top lane, and only appear in the jungle occasionally.

Several champions have had AP ratios tweaked to make AP more desirable on them. The minor tweak to Kayle's W isn't going to dramatically alter her top lane play, but AP Teemo was definitively buffed. AP Varus will likely remain a joke, but the modifications to his ultimate will help make him a competitive AD carry.

Honestly the most important change this patch is that Katarina no longer has a semi-sentient octopus nesting on her head. If not for that and the changes to everyone's favorite Shakespearean couple, this would have been a boring patch.

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