Monday, August 20, 2012

Jungling: Dragon Control

When it comes to dragon control the current meta stands in stark contrast to all that preceded it. For the majority of League of Legend's history the jungler could solo dragon fairly easily, demanding perpetual wards to keep dragon safe. It is only very recently that junglers stopped being considered a notable threat to dragon.

In the past junglers used to be able to solo dragon after their first clear, or even sooner in some special cases. As a result Riot increased the defenses of dragon, pushing out how quickly any jungler could manage this. Since then the jungle revamp nerfed Madred's and Wriggle's, making dragon even riskier. The jungle revamp also shifted the meta away from the bruiser junglers who excelled at taking dragon. Finally, warding became much more prevalent, especially with supports coming to lane with 3-4 wards. Combined, all these factors make solo dragon too risky for too little reward.

Today the norm is for dragon to be continually warded, but only taken when there's a significant advantage. Whether it's because the enemy jungler is ganking top, a nearby enemy has recalled, or an enemy was successfully ganked/killed, dragon is typically taken or attempted only when the enemy is limited to giving up or running headlong into a highly unfavorable situation. Attempting dragon at any other time is dangerous, similar to attacking an equal opponent under their tower.

Because of this the value of Wriggle's has declined greatly. I've stated in the past that Wriggle's is overrated, and it's even truer now. With dragon control being a team responsibility rather than a jungler-specific function it's simply unnecessary to build an item specifically for controlling dragon. Even on junglers who have potential synergy Wriggle's is no longer the best option.

Dragon control has fundamentally changed. Even though Wriggle's may see a resurgence in the future in double/triple Wriggle's compositions, dragon is no longer controlled by a jungler but by a team.

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